Red Tide Hits Galveston Beach: Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Fish Wash Ashore

Robert Reyes

"Hundreds of thousands of dead fish are covering beaches from Galveston all the way to Freeport. It's a mess, to say the least.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials say the fish -- identified as shad -- are dying due to a lack of oxygen levels in the water.

This type of fish is particularly sensitive to varying oxygen levels. As the temperature rises, oxygen levels drop." ABC

I love the sights, sounds and scents of the beach: Sun tan lotion, hot girls in bikinis, seagulls flying overhead. The stench of hundreds of thousands of dead fish puts a damper on things.

The water was tested and it is safe to get in, but who the hell wants to swim with the dead fish?

The nightmare is far from over, more fish are expected to wash ashore.

The real nightmare may be what these dead fish portend -- something is rotten in Denmark. For the last couple of years there have been many incidents of dead fish and dead birds all over the world.

I'm not a doomsday prophet, but I will be very happy when I wake up on December 22, 2012. I think I will celebrate by having catfish for lunch, and fried chicken for dinner.

What do you think, is there something fishy about all these reports of dead fish? Send us your thoughts.

By Robert Reyes
Robert Paul Reyes attended Alameda Community College in California. He was born and raised in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area, but now I write a newspaper column, from a liberal perspective, for a small town in the Bible Belt. Robert also contributes to several online publications including,, AmericanChronicle.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com and BleacherReport.Com. The tag line for one of his blogs is “Politics, Pop Culture and Pointless Pontificating” — that sums up my writing interests. He enjoys visiting this site and is honored to be a part of this online community.

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